With sleek lines, a new stepped hull and a stylish deck plan, the Oceanis 51.1 is the first of a new generation. Easy to shorthand, comfortable and smart, she offers more than seven hundred combinations of customization, ensuring there is an Oceanis 51.1 for every sailor’s requirements. One-third of the Oceanis 51.1’s hull is now stepped. In addition to the aesthetics of this flared shape, the new hull creates additional interior space, which in turn allows for exciting new layouts below. Her sleek, modern lines will turn heads in every harbor, while her deck and cockpit setup, replete with relaxation and lounging areas, offers a delightful blend of comfort and safety, both at sea and at anchor. Large portholes suffuse the elegant Nauta Design interior with light, creating a wonderfully warm atmosphere below, and offering incomparable outside views whether you are sitting or standing. An elegant palette of woods and upholsteries guarantee a mirror effect with your tastes, and ensure your boat will always feel like home no matter where it is in the world.
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Přísné: Při zrušení rezervace do 31 dnů před příjezdem je možné vrátit 60 % ceny jachty. více
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