This lovely 2007 Bavaria 39 cruiser is perfect for a crew of 6 with its three-cabin layout, two double aft cabins and one double forward. The boat is broad beamed, and the galley is workable on either tack because of the high seat back on the island settee that completes the four-sided dining area. The bonus in this arrangement is the full-size nav table and the spacious shared head aft. While the two aft staterooms are essential sleeping quarters with enough standing room for dressing and undressing quite comfortably, the master cabin forward has all kinds of space, a large berth, a dressing seat, and a private head. She has great specifications, including bimini and sprayhood, folding wheel, ROCNA anchor and inmast furling. This yacht is ideal for a yacht cruise with family or friends, epitomising comfort, performance, strength.
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Super Strict: Při zrušení rezervace do 60 dnů před nástupem na pobyt lze vrátit 50 % z ceny jachty. více
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