We offers day and overnights sailing tours amongst the unknown beauties of Lefkada island and the Inland Ionian Sea. Experience a daily cruise or one week charter and explore the wonderful diversity of the Ionian Sea with spectacular coastlines, harbours, islands. DAILY CRUISES Discover the small paradise islands of Lefkada with our luxury sailboat. We weight anchor every morning at 10.00 and set sail for a day of carefree, fun and relaxation. We will plot a dream course with the promise of a world of pleasures on board.We return to Nidri at 18.00. WEEKLY CRUISES SKIPPERED CHARTER Skippered charters give you the freedom to do exactly what you want, whether it be swimming, snorkeling, exploring caves or having a siesta in the shade. Our experienced skippers will be able to take you places that most other yachts do not go, the hidden gem secret places as well as mooring in the harbours in busy high summer season.
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Přísné: Při zrušení rezervace do 31 dnů před příjezdem je možné vrátit 60 % ceny jachty. více
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