Blue water 185 is a new boat. It's very beautiful and comfortable that allows you to "live the dream" to be your own captain and enjoy a day on the sea. With your family or friends you'll be able to enjoy the crystal clear waters of Souda bay and Akrotiri of Chania. You will visit little beaches like Seitan limania,small caves and small bays like katholiko and kamares. You will snorkel around Palaiosouda island,you will admire the view of the Venetian island and so many more. It doesn't require a boat license but if you don't feel like driving ,we can provide you with a skipper. It has all the safety equipment( according to the law) so you have a safe trip. It also has a satellite tracker for extra safety, in case you need us to come to you while you are on the sea. The boat has a main 30hp Yamaha motor and a 6hp Yamaha emergency motor. You will receive the boat with 50 liters of fuel. The daily trip is 7 hours and the half day tip is 4 hours. The price for the skipper is 10€ per hour.
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Flexibilní: Při zrušení rezervace do 7 dnů před nástupem na pobyt se vrací 100 % ceny jachty a při zrušení rezervace do 1 dne před nástupem na pobyt 50 % ceny. více
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